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DrBillCreations ⬅︎ Check out over 75 thousand of my photography products at my Zazzle store! Writing haiku is like capturing a moment in time. Capturing life in photographs has a family resemblance. Please check out my photography sites!
Photography Prints

Friday, June 26, 2009

beside the compost a dead patch of grass

w. f. owen


Lu said...

You draw a still life picture or shasei(?).


w. f. owen said...

hi lu,

yes, i would say that.
it is just something i saw...


ps: i found this:

Anonymous said...

Interesting blog as for me. I'd like to read something more about that topic. Thanx for giving that data.
Joan Stepsen
Tech and gadgets

w. f. owen said...

thank you for visiting, joan.
that web site looks interesting,too.
