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DrBillCreations ⬅︎ Check out over 75 thousand of my photography products at my Zazzle store! Writing haiku is like capturing a moment in time. Capturing life in photographs has a family resemblance. Please check out my photography sites!
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Monday, December 7, 2009

autumn wake two baking cups hold my muffin

w. f. owen


Magyar said...

___From the date of this post, 12-7, one could consider... in two baking cups (weeks,) Autumn will pass (wake,) That date, then, the solstice.
___Oooo, now that's streatching it some! But... is it? _m

w. f. owen said...

hi m,

you always find such intricacies!
thanks for the surplus meanings.


Patrick said...

Hi Bill,

I'm circulating this comment among other haiku poets & bloggers...

I know this probably wouldn't fit at your blog, but thought I'd make the offer. I was thinking of putting together a post of Solstice Haiku.

If everyone sends me a solstice haiku, I'll put together something that we can all post at our respective blogs.

My E-Mail address is at my blog under Contact or, if interested, you can post it at my Guest Book.

w. f. owen said...

good idea Patrick. i'm a bit under the weather, so not sure i'll make it, but go ahead. a nice thought.
