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Sunday, July 5, 2009

summer lethargy a mockingbird pesters the cat

w. f. owen


Greg said...

nice! i can see that cat swatting at the bird half-heartedly, getting irritated.

w. f. owen said...

thanks greg!

well, one would think the cat would
go after the bird, but the amazing thing
(to me) is that the cat shows complete calm and indifference. and, this is not a singular event,
i have seen this replayed many times this spring and summer.

thanks again,

Magyar said...

Lethargy causes a need...
'something to do.'

_At our pond, sharing the same bushy undercover, it's the Catbirds that pester the Chipmonks.
_Mockingbirds and Catbirds have close life-styles and habits, and the "Cats" here, will sit on the deck and carry on a "conversation' with Kathy and me.

w. f. owen said...

so true...a need to fill the time, be stimulated.
it's funny how there are such parallels among species.

thanks Magyar,

Lu said...

Very nice contrast. Did you take the photo? Nice one.

w. f. owen said...

thank you, Lu. no, the photo is a copyright-free
image from my workplace.
