This blog is an extension of the ideas presented in my book (Haiku Notebook Second Edition,, 2010). It is intended to be a forum for discussing haiku and haibun. My hope as an educator is to stimulate interest in writing these forms. So, please feel free to post. [NOTE: click "comments" to read poems by other poets, as well as discussion]. Thank you for visiting!
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DrBillCreations⬅︎ Check out over 75 thousand of my photography products at my Zazzle store!Writing haiku is like capturing a moment in time. Capturing life in photographs has a family resemblance. Please check out my photography sites!
Friday, July 10, 2009
down from the cloud peaks the cairns mark the path
_I just love that word... it covers so many "markers," from a trail to a mountain peak, to a grave stone. _Could then... quoation marks be considered_? Fine one, Bill. _m
_I just love that word... it covers so many "markers," from a trail to a mountain peak, to a grave stone.
_Could then... quoation marks be considered_?
Fine one, Bill. _m
thanks much, Magyar.
i appreciate it!
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