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DrBillCreations ⬅︎ Check out over 75 thousand of my photography products at my Zazzle store! Writing haiku is like capturing a moment in time. Capturing life in photographs has a family resemblance. Please check out my photography sites!
Photography Prints

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


fallen fence the vine still climbing

w. f. owen

Haiku Notebook, 2nd. Ed.


classics said...

Hello, happy to join your blog. I like short poems like haikus and another.

w. f. owen said...

i appreciate your interest!


cgrauke said...

I like all your poems. I would tend to call them "flash haiku" since they are more reduced than traditional haiku, but what's in a word anyway :) They survive the reduction very well due to your ability to extract the essence. This particular haiku tells an amazing amount of story with 6 words.

w. f. owen said...

thank you for stopping by and for your thoughtful words. i appreciate it!
